... nobody knows where he is or if he's still alive.
And they didn't think it was important to keep track of a serial child rapist and murderer? HOW did they even let him out? What about probation? How was he not murdered in prison or the mental institution? How was NO ONE waiting to "cash him outside" once he'd finished his sentence?
For the sake of, at this point, thousands of little girls, I hope SOMEONE waited for him outside. I don't condone vigilantism ... UNLESS the "justice" system isn't upholding its part of the Social Contract that endows it with power of the average person. I hope someone was Batman, or in light of this guy, the Punisher. Whatever works to keep kids alive and un-raped, since the government seemed not to care.
But I REALLY hope this travesty of justice and safety, this "who knows where he went? Out of our hands," was Ecuadorians--either citizens or government connected--quietly solving a problem the law refused to. Anything else in light of losing track of him would mean a complete lack of concern for their children. Not that I, as a U.S. citizen, can take the highroad on protecting kids. My own country also knows precious little about that.
Great writing--this madman was/is next-level. All those girls and all their families. No one listening to the indigenous families, too. I can only hope Lopez has been dead since an hour after he was released.