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And but one reason why your audacious, AuDHD bug is an … ahem, acquired taste.
I’ve read that the actual pronunciation of Cthulhu is closer to “cuh- HLOO-loo” … with the T more like a silent, sharp exhalation, rather than “cuh-THOOL-hoo.” If this is the case (I’m still lazily googling it … I am no Mallory, the Demon-Slayer) then Yog-Sothoth would indeed sound like: “Yog-SUH-oth.” That said … the second TH might be an i-before-e-except-after-c sort of exception/exemption, or simply sloppy linguistics. Or … it could just be how things go, with ancient languages for Outer Gods and Elder Gods that very few living folks know how to pronounce or which are … unpronounceable for human mouths. Lovecraft, himself ,said some of the names more than one way, I’ve also read.
I DID find a short vid: “How to Pronounce Cthulhu? (CORRECTLY).” ( Which in no way proves anything I’ve said. And there’s the Lovecraft Wiki’s page on R’lyehian and its pronunciation ( I also enter into evidence, the Wikipedia entry for “Cthulhu,” which is probably where I saw the blurb about the above pronunciation at least a decade ago:
“**Lovecraft transcribed the pronunciation of Cthulhu as Khlûl′-hloo, and said, “the first syllable pronounced gutturally and very thickly…